Elight IPL+RF/SHR permanent hair reduction is a painless and highly effective treatment for removing hair from unwanted areas. Best of all, this non-invasive and effective approach yields permanent hair reduction and long-term hair removal anywhere on the body.
Book any 5 sessions & get 6th one free
General Information for clients
Must understand the hair growth cycle. Hairs are not vaporized, nor do they fall out immediately. Hairs will usually fall out within 1-3 weeks from treatment. Hairs will appear to grow as they are slowly pushed out of the follicle by the epidermal growth.
Must make the therapist aware of any medical or dermatological conditions and changes during the course of the treatments. Including a change in any medication.
Must not wax, bleach, pluck, or have electrolysis for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment.
Do not use make up or perfumed products on the area until the next day.
No tweezing, plucking or waxing any new hair growth between appointments, you can shave or use Nair up until 2 days before your next appointment.
Clients must understand that hair growth will be visible between treatments, albeit slightly finer.
Treatment repletion can range between 3-12 weeks depending on the body site and growth cycle of the hair.
Must read and sign the consent form prior to treatment.